To seduce the consumer, the design of industrial or domestic equipment is more and more meticulous. It often integrates digital screens, closures and cases made of composite materials sensitive to handlings. For the users’ pleasure, the products must be preserved in order to guarantee an impeccable state from the first use.

You are manufacturing equipment with interfaces, screens, design surfaces sensitive to shocks, scratches and stains and you wish to protect them until their first use. DB TECHNIQUE helps you with the protective procedure of your products with dedicated professional solutions.

Whatever your line of activity, medical furniture, domestic or industrial devices, heating systems or other products.

Thanks to our wide choice of static materials and removable adhesives, we guarantee you a protective aesthetic film, easily manipulated and leaving no trace on your products.

To exchange on your need for a protection of your labels, click here right now, a professional will call you back as soon as today.

Film de protection écran smartphone

The removable protective films solutions

étiquette film enlevable

Removable film labels

Some products such as refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, televisions, windows and air-conditioning systems need removable protective films, which can be removed after the purchase, without tearing.

Les films à vocation de protection peuvent être vierges mais ils offrent également une excellente imprimabilité à des fins promotionnelles tout en garantissant que les étiquettes se retirent facilement, sans se déchirer.

film protection aéronautique

Removable films for complex surfaces

Some devices such as pilot helmets in aeronautics need a protection of the visor against scratches until the delivery of the equipment. The surfaces are semi-spherical and involve a suppleness and extreme conformability of the films in order to protect the visor evenly.

Besides, when removed, there must be no trace of the adhesive on the support.

The protective films can be transparent, white, with or without printing, depending on the desired configurations.

protection face avant

Protection from the manufacturing to the use

In the manufacturing of front panels (control interfaces), a protective film can be directly integrated in the creation of the label. The protection is efficient from the first handlings, at the assembly of devices and until the delivery to the final user.

It is a guarantee of protection of the design element and of the digital display windows. Those protections can be printed for the customization of the brand or show the operating instructions.

To exchange on the upgrading of your product by the label, click here right now, a professional will call you back as soon as today.
