The technology of medical materials evolves with the modern world. The modern refined look and the health standards impose a design with curved shapes on the furniture and the devices to get out of the austerity and to be easily sanitized.

You are a medical device manufacturer and those new imperatives appearing on your specifications are real challenges to satisfy your customers.
DB TECHNIQUE knows those requirements well and has a strong experience to help you with this approach.
Whether it be signage labels, instruction labels, d’IHM control interfaces or decorative labels, the markings must be resistant and respect sanitary requirements.
Thanks to our large choice of materials and adhesives, our laboratory of colour selection and our tools of transformation, DB TECHNIQUE achieves the ideal label for you, that will perfectly melt into the decoration and will seduce the user by both the aesthetism and the functionalities.
To exchange on your project of marking medical devices, click here right now, and a professional will call you back as soon as today.
Decorative labels with incorporation of cutting-edge technology
For several years, our experience has expanded with our customers. For each new challenge, we use high-end manufacturing processes. The rigorous selection of the materials and adhesives and the care given to the design of the final product guarantee you a functional decorative label perfectly suited to your product.
The marking of the equipment, the medical devices or furniture requires flawless functionalities and a particular care in the design to easily fit into the material decoration.
Combination of materials, adhesives, complexes and integration of command keys
Depending on the nature of your product, you can choose out of grain effects, smooth or satin surfaces that will give the best visual or sensitive effect. Our colour preparations in laboratories guarantee the perfect hue according to your wishes. With complexes and converting label operations, we produce a label that will meet your expectations, both on the aesthetic aspect and on the resistance to the environment of use of cleaning products.
The active front panel, also called IHM, is a controle interface between the electronic part of the device and the user. Our front panel decorations fit in the command and visualization technologies.